Thank you Mary Jo's Fabric Store!

I just wanted to share with everyone and the curious, why I named my line Miss Pretty Perfect. The name came to me literally as I woke up out of my sleep one morning. It was definitely a "That's It!" moment. The Definition of Miss Pretty Perfect Miss Pretty Perfect is simply defined as us all being perfect in His sight. We are are the roots of the earth. We are also individuals in our own right. We can do anything we set our minds to do. We won't let anyone get in our way! So to all of the Miss Pretty Perfects out there, Good For You! Because you are perfect! You can take yourself as far as you can imagine. Stay encouraged, keep going, and don't stop until you reach the top. And always try everyday to help and encourage others who may not know what being a Miss Pretty Perfect is all about.

Thank you to all of Mary Jo's staffers (especially in the Home Decor section) and also to Karen Dominguez-Brann, Blog Editor, for featuring me in the "Handbags Take A Different Take" article. Miss Mary Jo has an awesome testimony and one that I will absolutely never forget her sharing with my mother and I. If you would like to know about her story, just go ask her on your next visit. She is always there, faithfully working along side her wonderful staff.

To read the article featuring Miss Pretty Perfect, please click on the title above.


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