My First Craft Show

Well, so much for Hanna. Boy, the media is a bunch of hype at times. Geez. Despite the discouraging news of Hanna, I'm so glad that I kept my spirits up, pulled an 'all nighter' the night before, and headed to Charlotte early Saturday morning. Not a cloud in site. It was a bit breezy, but overall a gorgeous day!

I believe that their were more jewelry vendors than anything. There were also vendors that packed-up early because of the disappointment in traffic flow. Either people weren't sure that the event was still taking place, or they were not able to see us from the road (bad location). Never-the-less, It turned out to be another situation/event that Miss Pretty Perfect could turn into a 'positive'.
I met wonderful shoppers and vendors all in a matter of 7 hours. It was well worth it to see the looks and to hear the praises from people that admired great creativity and craftsmanship. Scored a few leads, too. So, look out Indie Market, because Miss Pretty Perfect is on it's way!


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